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  1. Episode 73: Traditions iconiques - The Tour de France

    Le Tour de France is a legendary bicycle race in France. But to cycling enthusiast Claire Floret, there’s something terribly wrong with it: Women aren’t allowed to compete. So in order to make things right, she created a brand new cycling challenge.

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  2. Episode 72: Traditions iconiques - The Beret

    The béret was once the most popular hat in France. But today, most French people see it as old-fashioned. Except for Valérie. As a native of southwest France – where bérets were invented – she wants to bring them back in style!

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  3. Episode 71: Traditions iconiques - A Kiss Hello

    In France, greeting friends, relatives and co-workers with “la bise” — a kiss hello — is more than tradition. It’s essential. Yet Mathieu Avanzi was so baffled by the custom, it left him wondering: did others feel the same?

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  4. Episode 70: Traditions iconiques - Fête de la musique

    Every year on June 21st, musicians across France take to the streets to celebrate la Fête de la musique. Growing up, Fanny’s birthday also happened to be on June 21st…and for a long time, she resented having to share her day with the popular French holiday. Until the tradition took on a special meaning for her…

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