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Episodio 6: Superfans (Súper fans)

Por Duolingo el miércoles 02 de septiembre del 2020

La pasión por el deporte puede abrir caminos inesperados y fascinantes. En este episodio conoceremos a dos personas completamente entregadas al fútbol y al béisbol. Tanto, como para cambiar sus vidas completamente.

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Diana: Chelsea Waddell creció jugando al fútbol. Cuando era una niña, se cambió mucho de ciudad y de hogar, porque su familia se mudaba constantemente, y donde ella siempre se sentía como en casa era en la cancha de fútbol. Cuando se hizo mayor, el deporte cambió su vida.

Chelsea: In 2015, I watched the U.S. women’s soccer team win the World Cup on television. When they won, I was so happy! I had good friends in the state of Utah, where I lived at that time, but they weren’t interested in soccer. After the Women’s World Cup victory, I realized how important women’s soccer was in my life. But the closest professional team, the Thorns, was over 700 miles away in the city of Portland, in the state of Oregon...

Diana: Chelsea sabía que si quería conocer a otros fans del fútbol, debía vivir cerca de un equipo profesional. Pero, ¿valdría la pena dejar atrás a su familia y amigos solo por un deporte?

Chelsea: This team had many intelligent, strong women from different backgrounds. And I knew that the people in Portland were friendly and welcomed everyone. So I decided to make a big change. I packed my bags and I moved to Oregon.

Diana: Welcome, bienvenidos y bienvenidas a “Relatos en inglés”, un podcast de Duolingo. Soy Diana Gameros. En cada episodio podrás practicar inglés a tu propio ritmo, escuchando historias reales y fascinantes contadas por las personas que las vivieron.

Los protagonistas hablan en un inglés sencillo y fácil de entender para quienes están aprendiendo el idioma. En cada capítulo, yo te acompañaré para asegurarme de que entiendas todo.

Esta semana, exploramos cómo el deporte está vinculado a la cultura y la identidad. Te llevaremos a estadios donde los fans cantan el nombre de sus equipos, y viajaremos con ellos por todo Estados Unidos para seguir a sus jugadores favoritos.

Diana: Chelsea creció en una familia militar. Sus papás se mudaron mucho cuando ella era niña, hasta que finalmente se establecieron en Utah. Desde muy joven, Chelsea era muy aventurera.

Chelsea: I was a very active kid. I started playing soccer in 1996, when I was four years old. I started snowboarding when I was eight. In college and as an adult, I worked in the snowboard industry in Salt Lake City, in the state of Utah. But soccer was always my passion.

Diana: En los Estados Unidos, el fútbol, lo que se conoce como soccer, es también un deporte femenino, y su selección nacional de mujeres es muy exitosa. Chelsea estaba contenta de que varias jugadoras fueran parte de la comunidad LGBTQ, como ella.

Chelsea: I started watching women’s professional soccer when I was very young. Then, in 2015, I watched the U.S. Women’s World Cup victory. I noticed that the team was very diverse. There were women from many different backgrounds, including some who were part of the LGBTQ community. As a gay, Black woman, I was honored that these women represented my country!

Diana: Chelsea se fascinaba de ver cómo el equipo femenino de los Estados Unidos celebraba la diversidad de sus jugadoras. Se dio cuenta de que para ella, el fútbol era más que un deporte.

Chelsea: After the U.S. team’s World Cup victory, I realized that I wanted to go to games regularly, in person. But the closest professional team was several states away, in the city of Portland. Their local team is very famous, and has a lot of fans. I thought, “What if I changed my life and moved there?” So, I decided to move to Portland. I was ready for the adventure.

Diana: La empresa de snowboarding para la que Chelsea había trabajado en Salt Lake City aceptó que siguiera trabajando con ellos en Portland. Como era verano y las montañas no tenían nieve, podía trabajar a distancia.

Chelsea: In the winter, I travel to different mountains all over the United States. I snowboard and promote my company’s equipment. But in the summer, because there is no snow, I can work from anywhere on my computer. Which means I have a lot more time for soccer!

Diana: Portland es una ciudad conocida por sus grandes jardines de rosas, tanto así que le dicen “ciudad de las rosas”. Es por eso que su equipo profesional de fútbol femenino se llama Las Espinas o the Thorns.

Chelsea: My new apartment was very close to the soccer stadium where the Thorns played. I could hear all the games, and my windows shook when someone scored a goal! I went to my first Thorns game alone. When I walked into the stadium, I was nervous. Everyone wore red and black, the colors of the Thorns team. I didn’t know anyone, but I wanted to be part of the fun. So I sat near the biggest fan club, named the “Rose City Riveters.”

Diana: El nombre en inglés del club de fans es Rose City Riveters. Combina el apodo de “ciudad de las rosas” con un ícono estadounidense: Rosie the Riveter, o Rosie, la Remachadora.

Chelsea: I felt honored, because Rosie the Riveter is a feminist icon.

Diana: La imagen de Rosie, la Remachadora se usó para reclutar mujeres para trabajar en fábricas de los Estados Unidos durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, cuando los hombres estaban en el frente. El póster muestra a una mujer que dobla su brazo con la frase: We can do it!, “¡Podemos hacerlo!”.

Chelsea: Looking at the fan club, I saw people of all genders and races. I also saw LGBTQ flags next to red and black Thorns flags. I felt welcome.

Diana: En sus primeros partidos, Chelsea se dio cuenta de que los juegos eran muy competitivos, pero el ambiente era siempre muy alegre. Los fans hasta seguían a su equipo a otras ciudades y hacían fiestas en el estacionamiento, algo que se conoce como tailgating.

Chelsea: I joined the fan club and soon became friends with many Rose City Riveters. In 2017, the Rose City Riveters traveled across the country with around 200 people. We went to the city of Orlando, in the state of Florida, for the National Women’s Soccer League. Before the game, we were tailgating with Thorns fans from around the country. It was a close game, but the Thorns won! After the game, the team came to hug the fans and celebrate with us!

Diana: Fue un momento increíble en la vida de Chelsea. ¡Las jugadoras incluso subieron a las gradas para celebrar con sus fans!

Chelsea: I had a lot of fun in Orlando, so I wanted to travel to more soccer games. In 2019, I planned a trip to France with my friends from the Rose City Riveters. We were going to watch the U.S. team play in the Women’s World Cup! But nine days before my trip, I broke my leg playing soccer.

Diana: Tras romperse la pierna, Chelsea debía decidir si viajaba a París. Fue una decisión muy difícil.

Chelsea: I was afraid that I might hurt my leg more if I went on the trip. But the idea of staying home for surgery made me very sad.

Diana: Chelsea decidió arriesgarse.

Chelsea: I decided to go to France! In France, I worried that my friends weren’t having fun because they were taking care of me. They always helped me walk down stairs, and they took taxis with me, instead of taking the subway. The Rose City Riveters showed me, again, that they’re dedicated fans and even more dedicated friends.

Diana: Y para Chelsea, el viaje tuvo una sorpresa aún mayor… Aquel año Estados Unidos tuvo mucho que celebrar.

Chelsea: Although I was in pain, I knew that I made the right decision to go to France. Especially because the U.S. won the World Cup! I will never forget watching the U.S. play in the city of Lyon, with the people I love. I celebrated with my soccer family and the world’s biggest fans. Today, I go to Portland Thorns games because of the fans. I will always be a Rose City Riveter.

Diana: Chelsea se dio cuenta de que finalmente había encontrado a su comunidad cuando fue por primera vez a un partido de su equipo en Portland. Hay muchos que entenderán perfectamente esa sensación, como este chico…

Joey: It was hot. People were applauding. It was so loud! The smell of beer and peanuts filled the air. The national anthem played. It was just incredible.

Diana: Él es Joey Mellows, un chavo, o bloke como dicen en el Reino Unido, donde él nació. Notarán que Joey habla con un acento británico, por lo que sus Rs tienen un sonido más vocal. Por ejemplo, cuando Joey dice popular sport, o deporte popular lo dice así: popular sport.

Diana: El 22 de octubre del 2019, Joey se encontraba en un estadio de béisbol en Houston, Texas, viendo el primer partido de la Serie Mundial de béisbol.

Joey: To me, a bloke who liked baseball for only five years, this was very cool. As an Englishman, I never expected to become a baseball fan. I grew up in the city of Portsmouth, on the south coast of England. I loved watching American movies, and seeing the open spaces and natural geography of the U.S. It was always a place that I wanted to visit. But while I was growing up, football was the only sport I was interested in. My father played professional football, so I grew up playing it, too.

Diana: Mientras que los estadounidenses como Chelsea Waddell se refieren a ese deporte como soccer, los británicos lo llaman football. El fútbol fue una parte muy importante en la infancia de Joey, y él no se interesó en el béisbol hasta que se mudó a otro país…

Joey: When I was in my 20s, I worked at a boarding school, a place where students lived and studied. After a while, my life felt boring and predictable. But then I talked to a friend who just came back from teaching in South Korea. He said, “You should get a job there. Korea is really cool.” I thought it was a great idea. So, eight months later, I moved to the city of Seoul, and I started a new teaching job there.

Diana: Cuando vivía en Seúl, Joey decidió hacer un viaje a Japón con sus padres. Una noche, estaban sentados en el bar de su hotel en Osaka, y comenzaron a ver un partido de béisbol en la televisión. Jugaban equipos de los Estados Unidos.

Joey: I heard that baseball was a popular sport in Japan, almost as popular as it is in the United States. When I saw a game for the first time, I could not look away from the TV! Then I asked the barman if there was a game in the city of Osaka that night. And he said, “Yes!” The receptionist at our hotel helped us buy tickets to the game. We got in a taxi and 15 minutes later, we arrived at the stadium. We watched two professional Japanese teams play. I became obsessed.

Diana: Algo en ese juego hipnotizó a Joey, desde el lanzador, o pitcher, hasta el bateador, o hitter.

Joey: There’s a pitcher and a hitter. They look at each other, trying to predict what the other person is thinking. It’s a competition between the two of them, and I love that. They both need to be intelligent and strong. It’s fascinating.

Diana: Después de ese viaje a Japón, Joey regresó a Corea, donde siguió dando clases y ahorrando dinero. Pero no podía dejar de pensar en el béisbol… soñaba con ir a partidos en los Estados Unidos.

Joey: Baseball was so exciting to me, so I made a big decision. I decided to quit my job, take the money that I saved, and drive across the U.S. I was going to attend all 162 games in the Major League Baseball season.

Diana: La temporada de las Grandes Ligas de Béisbol dura aproximadamente seis meses, y participan treinta equipos profesionales.

Joey: I wanted more people in Europe to be interested in baseball, and I thought my travels could help with that. So, I planned to post about my trip on social media. Then people could see the pictures and videos of the games and think, “Wow, that looks cool! We should play more baseball in Europe.”

Diana: Joey compartió sus planes en un video en Twitter. Lance McCullers Jr., un famoso jugador de béisbol y lanzador de los Astros de Houston, ¡retuiteó su video!… y se volvió viral.

Joey: My video was all over the internet. I was even asked to do an interview on television!

Diana: En marzo del 2019, Joey llegó a Seattle, su primer destino, para el primer partido de la liga entre los Seattle Mariners y los Boston Red Sox…

Joey: Entering that stadium was exciting because in the previous year, the Red Sox won the World Series. I was going to watch the champions in real life! That night, I got a message on Twitter from a local news reporter, named Patrick. He said, “Hey, if you need a place to stay, I have an extra room.”

Diana: A Joey le encantó esta oferta. Amistades espontáneas como esta lo ayudaron a conocer mejor a los estadounidenses.

Joey: After the game that night, I went to Patrick’s house. He greeted me with his dog, named James Bond. And he said, “I have to go to work now, but can you take James Bond out for a walk? I’ll be back in about 8 hours.” I was very surprised! I spent three nights at Patrick’s house, and I had a lot of fun with James Bond.

Diana: Joey visitó muchas otras ciudades para poder ver otros partidos… y aprendió nuevas costumbres, como dónde echar las cáscaras de cacahuate, o peanut shells.

Joey: Baseball stadium etiquette was different than in Japan. I couldn’t believe that, in the U.S., you can just throw peanut shells on the floor! When I had peanuts at a game for the first time, I picked up the shells at the end of the game. But when I found out you don’t have to do that in the States, I ate so many peanuts and threw the shells everywhere.

Diana: Más allá de las cáscaras de cacahuate, fue muy emocionante para Joey el poder estar en esos estadios que, durante tanto tiempo, había visto solo por televisión.

Joey: I really enjoyed going to Kauffman Stadium in the state of Missouri. It’s the home of the Kansas City Royals, my favourite team. It was also cool to visit the Oakland Coliseum in the state of California. They have great food, and the fans are so much fun!

Diana: Debido a que su visa de turista solo le permitía quedarse en los Estados Unidos tres meses, Joey tuvo que volver brevemente a Inglaterra para renovarla.

Joey: During that time, someone stole my wallet. I had to get a new driver’s license and credit cards. It took two weeks. And because of this, I missed 14 games. But, in the end, the number of games was not important. The important part of the trip was the experience of traveling and enjoying my time alone. I also learned about the U.S. and its people, and I got a new perspective on my life.

Diana: Hoy, Joey vive en el Reino Unido y está escribiendo un libro sobre su viaje.

Joey: The book is about baseball, but it’s more about the U.S. — the people who live there and what the country looks like. It’s also about how baseball creates a wonderful community, and how baseball stadiums are the places where this community comes together.

Diana: Joey Mellows vive en Portsmouth, Reino Unido, y su historia la produjo Caro Rolando. Chelsea Waddell vive en Portland, Estados Unidos, y su historia la produjo Tressa Versteeg.

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“Relatos en inglés” es una producción de Duolingo y Adonde Media. Puedes suscribirte en Spotify o tu plataforma preferida. También hay una versión en video disponible en YouTube. Yo soy Diana Gameros. Thank you for listening!


Este episodio es una producción de Duolingo y Adonde Media.

Productores: Tressa Versteeg y Caro Rolando
Narradores y protagonistas: Chelsea Waddell y Joey Mellows
Editores de transcripción: David Alandete y Stephanie Joyce
Diseño de sonido e ingeniero en masterización: Martín Cruz Farga