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Episódio 41: Vida em NY - O metrô

Por Duolingo — quarta, 08 de novembro de 2023

Nesse episódio, andamos por baixo da terra, no coração da maior cidade dos EUA: o metrô de Nova York.

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Voz do metrô: This is a Queens-bound F local train. The next stop is 23rd Street.

Helena: Quando Eugene Kolb entrou no metrô, ou subway, de Manhattan, num domingo à noite em 2011, ele não tava buscando o amor. Ele só queria chegar logo em casa, no Brooklyn.

Eugene: At that time, I wasn’t happy with my job, or my life. And I wanted to become a full-time illustrator, so I was practicing my drawing on the subway.

Helena: Na Union Square Station, duas mulheres entraram no trem e sentaram de frente pra Eugene. Ele continuou desenhando. Mas depois de uns minutos, sentiu que tinha alguém tentando fazer contato visual, ou eye contact, com ele.

Eugene: I looked up and saw one of the women smiling at me, and then I looked away because I was a little shy. This happened a few more times. I didn’t know what to think, but I knew that I was breaking the number one rule of the subway: don’t make eye contact with anyone.

Helena: Atenção, passageiras e passageiros! Welcome to Destinos Duolingo! Eu sou Helena Fruet e vou te guiar nessa viagem. Nesse podcast, vamos explorar a história e a cultura de diferentes cidades do mundo e aprender inglês com os próprios moradores. Eu vou te acompanhar em cada destino e não vou deixar você se perder. Você encontra a transcrição completa de cada episódio em

Nessa primeira temporada do podcast embarcamos pra Nova York, a cidade que nunca dorme. Você vai conhecer alguns dos seus 8 milhões de habitantes e explorar lugares que muita gente sempre sonhou em visitar!

Neste episódio vamos ao coração da maior cidade dos Estados Unidos: o metrô de Nova York. A mala tá pronta? Então, vamo lá!

Helena: Eugene se mudou da Ucrânia pro Brooklyn quando tinha dez anos. Ele sempre gostou de andar de metrô. A cidade de Nova York tem cinco distritos: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens e Staten Island, tudo isso em quase 800 quilômetros quadrados. E o metrô conecta todos esses lugares, com exceção de Staten Island, que tem sua própria linha de trem.

Eugene: When you live in New York City, the subway is such a big part of your life. This city is a unique place filled with so many interesting people. Usually, people on the subway don’t talk to each other. Everyone is just trying to get to their destination. But sometimes, there are special moments that make it an adventure.

Helena: Pra Eugene, um desses momentos especiais foi em setembro de 2011. Ele entrou no trem na Times Square, em Manhattan, que é uma ilha no centro de Nova York. Ele tava voltando pra casa, no Brooklyn, do outro lado do East River.

Eugene: I was sitting and drawing on the subway. When we arrived at the Union Square stop, I heard a noise, like the sound of someone holding the door open.

Voz do metrô: Stand clear of the closing doors, please.

Eugene: I looked up and saw two women run onto the subway car. They sat down on the seats in front of me.

Helena: Eugene ergueu os olhos pra ver as mulheres, que tavam conversando e dividindo um fone de ouvido. Ele continuou desenhando até que sentiu que tinha alguém olhando pra ele.

Eugene: One of the women was just looking at me and smiling. That made me very curious about her. I immediately noticed her eyes and her very curly hair. I started to feel nervous. I felt quite warm and my heart was beating very quickly.

Helena: Quando percebeu que tava fazendo contato visual com a mulher, Eugene ficou com vergonha e desviou o olhar. Ele voltou a desenhar enquanto o trem passava pela ponte que cruza o East River e depois vai pra baixo da terra de novo, já no Brooklyn. Mas quando o vagão parou na estação Atlantic Avenue, ele e a mulher voltaram a se olhar. Será que eles tavam flertando?

Eugene: I wasn’t sure if she was really flirting with me. The whole time I thought, “I need to do something. She’s beautiful.” But I was too nervous to talk to her. I was afraid that I was imagining the whole thing, and maybe she wasn’t really flirting with me.

Helena: Eugene morava em Nova York há tempo suficiente pra saber da lei número 1 do metrô: cada um cuida da sua própria vida. Ele não queria se aproximar da mulher misteriosa e quebrar a regra básica.

Eugene: As time passed, I started to panic. It was almost time for me to get off at my stop. But every time I decided to go and talk to her, she stopped looking at me. It made me even more nervous.

Voz do metrô: This is Seventh Avenue.

Helena: Então, na Sétima Avenida, a terceira parada do metrô do Brooklyn, a mulher levantou. E antes que Eugene pudesse fazer qualquer coisa, ela já tinha saído do trem.

Eugene: When we arrived at Seventh Avenue, the woman stood up and left in a crowd of people. I felt sad at first, but I thought, “It’s OK. She wasn’t actually interested in me.” But when I looked out the window, I saw her walking up the stairs — and she was looking at me! So, then I knew that she was interested.

Helena: Mas Eugene tinha perdido a chance de falar com ela.

Eugene: At that moment, I realized that her friend was still sitting across from me. I knew that I needed to do something fast, so I started writing a note. I made a lot of mistakes because I was writing so quickly. Then, I spoke to the woman’s friend. I said, “Hey, I’m sorry to bother you. Could you give this note to your friend?”

Helena: Eugene escreveu assim no bilhete:

Eugene: “I know this is strange, but I think you’re very interesting. Would you like to have coffee or tea with me? My name is Eugene, and my phone number is 718-208-...”

Helena: A mulher corrigiu Eugene dizendo que elas eram primas, não amigas. E ela não parecia ter achado legal ele quebrar a regra número 1 do metrô.

Eugene: And then, at the next stop, she got off the subway. I didn’t think anything was going to happen. I really didn’t think that she was going to give the note to her cousin, but I was still proud of myself for trying. I think I even told my mom afterward.

Helena: Os dias passaram…

Eugene: She didn’t call me on Sunday. Then Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday passed. I assumed that she didn’t get the note.

Helena: Cinco dias depois, o telefone de Eugene tocou. A pessoa do outro lado da linha se identificou como Clara, a mulher do metrô. Eugene mal podia acreditar…

Eugene: I answered the phone, and it was Clara! She was nervous. It was a total surprise. She actually called me — it was real!

Helena: Quando o nervosismo passou, eles marcaram de tomar um chá. E nesse primeiro encontro, eles passaram cinco horas juntos!

Eugene: I immediately felt comfortable with her. We got along so well. Later, I found out that her cousin gave her my note immediately, and her mom really wanted her to call me. But she was just shy.

Helena: Em 2021, Eugene e Clara comemoraram o décimo aniversário do encontro. E também o décimo aniversário de casamento!

Eugene: Before I met Clara, I never talked to strangers, and especially not on the subway. I was never very good at talking to women. It always made me super nervous.

Helena: O encontro virou uma história de amor. E depois de conhecer Clara, Eugene passou também a se abrir mais com outros desconhecidos, ou strangers, inclusive no metrô.

Eugene: I am still that same shy person. It’s difficult for me to talk to strangers, even though I want to be more outgoing. But I talk to strangers more often on the subway now, and I have conversations that I really enjoy. New York City is filled with so many interesting people, and the subway is like a moving museum. So, even if you just share a laugh with someone for a minute, it can be wonderful.

Helena: Diferente de Eugene, Molly Clark não cresceu na cidade. Ela veio dos subúrbios, ou suburbs, da Filadélfia pra Nova York em 2015 pra estudar na Escola de Artes Tisch, que faz parte da Universidade de Nova York, a NYU. Ela sonhava em ser comediante, mas quando chegou em Nova York, viveu um choque cultural enorme.

Molly: I grew up in the suburbs, so New York City was a very different experience for me. I picked NYU instead of a university in California because it has a great film school, and I wasn’t ready to move so far from home. But I knew that it wasn’t a school with football games and a traditional campus. The campus is New York City, and the city doesn’t welcome you with open arms. You just have to adapt to it.

Helena: Molly não tinha outra saída a não ser se adaptar. Ela aprendeu a conviver com o barulho e a se locomover pela cidade de metrô.

Molly: I thought it smelled bad, there were big rats in the subway, and there was so much noise from taxis and ambulances.

Helena: Mas quando tava no terceiro ano da universidade, Molly teve uma experiência no metrô que mudou seu jeito de ver Nova York. Ela tava fazendo um estágio com o famoso apresentador de TV Jimmy Fallon.

Molly: I had to get dinner for Jimmy Fallon, and I was already afraid that I was going to be late. But then, the subway car stopped suddenly between two stations. A lot of time passed, but it still didn’t move. Outside the windows, it was totally dark, and I started to panic.

Helena: Molly nunca tinha tido claustrofobia, mas sabia que era o que ela tava sentindo naquele momento. Ela pensou que talvez exercícios de respiração, ou breathing exercises, pudessem ajudar.

Molly: I tried to do some breathing exercises to stay calm, but it wasn’t working. I felt like something bad was going to happen. So, I quickly turned to the man sitting next to me, and I showed him my ID card with my name on it. And then, I passed out.

Helena: Molly desmaiou, ou passed out. Quando acordou, tinha um monte de gente tentando reanimá-la. Uma senhora ofereceu refrigerante. E ela sentiu alívio ao escutar pelo alto-falante que o trem tava se aproximando da sua estação.

Voz do metrô: This is 23rd Street.

Molly: After that day, I started to feel claustrophobic every time I was on the subway. For a while, I took taxis to avoid the subway. But I didn’t want to be afraid anymore, so I started making myself take the subway. Sometimes, I rode it at night with no destination, just to make it feel normal again.

Helena: Mas Molly começou a ter claustrofobia em outros lugares. Como quando ela tava indo pra aula e entrou num elevador lento e apertado no campus da NYU. Ela se sentiu presa, ou trapped.

Molly: The elevators are small and crowded, and they’re old, so they move very slowly. They made me feel trapped.

Helena: Num dia de 2018, pra evitar a claustrofobia no elevador, Molly decidiu alegrar o ambiente com um pouco de humor. Então, ela fez uma esquete de comédia, ou skit.

Molly: I love doing little skits. So, one day I was in the elevator when it was full of people, and I pretended to be the operator of the subway.

Molly na esquete: This is a North-bound elevator. Stand clear of the closing doors.

Helena: Molly conseguiu arrancar umas risadas no elevador e postou o vídeo da apresentação no Instagram.

Molly: Sometimes, comedy comes from pain and stress. Many comedians find humor in difficult experiences. So, the horrible experience of passing out on the subway actually helped me with my work.

Helena: O post rendeu umas curtidas, mas nada extraordinário. Aí em 2020 Molly publicou o vídeo do elevador na sua nova conta do TikTok.

Molly: It was 2020, in the middle of the pandemic, and during that time, a lot of people in New York were avoiding the subway. It was a big part of our lives, so, in a strange way, people missed it.

Helena: Dessa vez, o vídeo viralizou. E enquanto as curtidas aumentavam, Molly recebeu uma mensagem privada de alguém especial.

Molly: I was at home and I got a message from Charlie Pellet. His voice is one of the voices of the New York City subway!

Helena: Charlie Pellet é um jornalista de rádio conhecido em Nova York, famoso por dizer as sete palavras que os nova-iorquinos escutam toda vez que andam de metrô:

Aviso de Charlie Pellet no metrô: Stand clear of the closing doors, please.

Helena: “As portas estão se fechando — afastem-se, por favor.”

Molly: I couldn’t believe it! Before then, I didn’t think the voices I heard on the subway were human. I just thought they were robots.

Helena: Charlie escreveu pra Molly pra dizer que o vídeo do TikTok tinha alegrado o dia dele. Ele inclusive mandou uma mensagem de áudio falando sua famosa frase pra ela compartilhar com seus seguidores.

Charlie Pellett: made me laugh out loud. I’ve got seven words for you and your fantastic followers: Stand clear of the closing doors please.

Molly: I posted a new TikTok to tell everyone what happened. I shared Charlie’s voice memo — and it went viral too! Then, the next day, I got emails from two more people who are voices of the subway. It was so cool.

Helena: As vozes do metrô eram de pessoas reais, e elas queriam falar com Molly! A cidade começou a parecer muito menor pra ela. E então aconteceu uma coisa ainda mais inesperada.

Molly: One day, I opened my email and saw a message from the MTA. They told me that they saw my viral video, and they asked me to come to their office. They wanted me to record my own subway message!

Helena: A MTA, ou Autoridade de Transporte Metropolitano, é a agência do governo que administra o metrô de Nova York. Eles queriam gravar, ou record, a voz de Molly. Ela ia virar uma das vozes do metrô!

Molly: When I visited the MTA office, they gave me a tour. It made me feel less stressed about taking the subway. They have a huge control room, and someone is always watching. They know the location of every subway car and they know when there are any problems. So, if you’re not moving, someone is already trying to fix it.

Helena: A mensagem de Molly tocou por um tempo na estação da rua 14 em Manhattan e lembrava os passageiros de usar máscara.

Molly: One day, no one knew who I was, and the next day, everyone heard my voice on one of the busiest subways in the world. New York has a reputation of being a mean place, but when you’re there, people want you to be a New Yorker and be a part of the city. So, when the video went viral, the whole community saw it and liked it. There was so much love, and I felt accepted by New York.

Helena: Molly Clark é comediante e mora em Manhattan. Nosso primeiro narrador, Eugene Kolb, é ilustrador e mora em Nova York.

Esse episódio foi produzido por Madeline Gunderson.

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Eu sou Helena Fruet. Safe travels!


Esse episódio inclui gravações de Mr. Railfan sob a Creative Commons Attribution License.

Esse episódio foi produzido por Duolingo e Adonde Media.

Apresentação: Helena Fruet
Protagonistas: Molly Clark e Eugene Kolb
Edição do roteiro: Stephanie Joyce
Editor-chefe: David Alandete
Produção e edição do roteiro em português: Giovana Romano Sanchez
Assistente de produção: Caro Rolando
Gerentes de produção: Nicolás Sossa e Román Frontini
Desenho sonoro: Iván Cabrera e Giovana Romano Sanchez
Mixagem e masterização: David De Luca e Juan Pablo Culasso Alonso
Produção-executiva e edição: Martina Castro